Part II: Therapeutic Considerations
Classes - Key Learning Objectives

- Clinical Best Practice
- Common Presenting Issues
- Coming Out Kinky
- Domestic Violence or Abuse
- Cutting & Self-Harm
All classes in the Kink Knowledgeable eLearning Programs are approved to provide AASECT and APA continued education credits.
Best Clinical Practice
Key Learning Objectives
- Discern three clinical best practices when working with clients who engage in intense BDSM
- Articulate three ways to effectively support counseling clients who practice in a culturally competent manner.
Common Presenting Issues
Key Learning Objectives
- To be able to identify two contraindications in the practice of BDSM.
- To be able to discern three ways in which mental illnesses impact a clients ability to give consent.
- To be able to identify five common psychotherapeutic issues individuals who practice BDSM may raise.
- To be able to identify three common relationship issues people who practice BDSM may present with.
Domestic Violence vs Consensual BDSM
Key Learning Objectives
- To be able to differentiate four ways in which abuse and violence are different from consensual BDSM practices.
- To be able to identify three ways when BDSM behavior is harmful and or abusive.
- To be able to describe three clinical best practices when working with clients who engage in intense BDSM practices.
Coming Out Kinky
Key Learning Objectives
- To be able to describe the process of coming out.
- To describe two clinical best practice processes in assisting individuals make decisions about when and how they wish to come out to their family, friends and peers.
- Describe three clinical best practices and processes in assisting adults coming out to their children.
- To describe two clinical best practice processes in assisting individuals who have been outed.
Cutting, Self-Harm, and BDSM
Key Learning Objectives
- From a review of current ethnographic and primary research provide three examples of understanding NSSI with an emphasis on cutting.
- To be able to describe three ways in which NSSI is different from consensual BDSM practices and relationships.
- To be able to describe two ways when BDSM behavior is unhealthy and maladaptive.
- To be able to apply three clinical best practices when working with clients who engage in intense BDSM cutting practices.