Galen Fous
“I Believe your sexuality is your birthright. It is natural to you. You are meant to explore and enjoy your authentic sexual desires from mild to Kink, free of fear, shame or judgment. I can help you learn to express them in an honest, confident and consensual manner.”
Galen Fous is a sex-positive transpersonal psychologist helping individuals and couples get honest, shame-free and empowered in expressing their authentic sexuality. He is considered one of America’s leading Sex Educators, Psychotherapists & Sex Researchers on understanding the unconscious psychological dynamics of Kink, Fetish and D/s-BDSM sexuality. He helps clients shift compulsive, dishonest, risky sexual behaviors to authentic sexual expression, and heal from the decades of fear, shame and judgments that held their authentic desire back.
Galen’s latest book, “Decoding Your Kink – Guide to Explore, Share and Enjoy Your Wildest Sexual Desires” has been praised by well respected sexual psychologists and educators as “Visionary …Masterful …Groundbreaking …Cutting Edge…Worth its Weight in Diamonds … Highly Recommended…A Must Read!” He is also the author of “The Sharp Edge of Love – Extreme Sex, Mythic Passion, Primal Intensity. Learn more at http://galenfous.com
An important component of his research into the nature of Fetishsexual and Kink desire is the development of the Discover Your Personal Erotic Myth Survey. ( http://galenfous.com/pem ) This ground-breaking and ongoing research survey with over 2500 participants so far, is the first study that begins to document the mythic archetypal aspects of Fetishsexuality by mapping of the sexual unconscious.
Galen has a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology, with an emphasis on authentic sexual expression. He regularly presents at sexuality related conferences, lectures at universities and grad schools on sex-positive topics, and has been interviewed in numerous media for his innovative views on conscious sexuality and the nature of Fetishsexuality. He has been advocating for sex positive approaches to understanding the complex nature of sexual desire and has been active publicly in the Sex-Positive, Fetish/Kink and Conscious Sexuality communities since 1998.
In 2000, he introduced the world renowned Tetruss Portable Dungeon, Suspension Bondage Rig and Sex Swing, the world’s most versatile adult toy. (http://Tetruss.com)
Galen Fous MTP
Fetish Sex Educator
Sex Positive Therapist
Sex Researcher
@FetishSexExpert – Twitter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Galen.Fous.MTP
Skype: Galen Fous MTP
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/users/77494
Author: Decoding Your Kink – http://tinyurl.com/Decoding-Your-Kink