
Keynote Speakers for the 2017 CARAS Conference – The Wounded Clinician

We are honored to have been invited to give the Keynote address for the 2017 CARAS Conference. 


2017 Conference Keynote – The Wounded ClinicianThe Wounded Clinician”Indeed, before we understand the work we do, it stands under us. Research as a vocation, then, puts one in service to those unfinished stories that weigh down upon us individually and collectively as the wait and weight of history . . . It is re-search, a searching again for what has already made its claim upon us and is making its claim upon the future.”(Romanyshyn, 2007, 113-117).The archetype of the wounded healer and the wounded researcher are central to the “wounded clinician”. In this keynote, Caroline and Peter will explore how our individual and collective wounds define us and inform our work in alternative sexualities. Past and current impact of woundedness will be explored in relation to clinical practice and research in to alternative sexualities. Where do our wounds intersect and/or mirror the issues in society at large? How would resolving the wounds in the clinician help resolve the woundedness of those who practice alternative sexualities? Potential future directions will be probed related to working with alternative sexualities in these times. As clinicians and researchers what are we called to resolve in ourselves? What is the claim the future calls forth in our profession?Romanyshyn, R. D. (2007). The wounded researcher: Research with soul in mind. New Orleans, La: Spring Journal Books. The keynote address will be given by Caroline Shahbaz and Peter Chirinos, authors of “Becoming a Kink-Aware Therapist” published in 2017

Source: CARAS

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